Global Systems

Cards (6)

  • Costs of Greater Interdependence - Unequal Flows:
    • Unequal flows of people, money, ideas and technology within global systems can promote stability, growth and development leading to inequalities, conflicts and injustices for people and places.
  • Unequal flows - People:
    • Rural to Urban migration from one LEDC to another.
    • 'Brain Drain' - The emigration of highly trained or qualified people from a country.
  • Unequal flows - Money:
    • FDI is unequal and not to all countries.
    • Repatriation of profits - sending foreign‐earned profits or financial assets back to the companies home country
  • Unequal flows - Ideas:
    • From the 'West' to the 'East'.
  • Unequal flows - Tech:
    • From MEDCs to LEDCs
  • Costs of Greater Interdependence - Rural to Urban Migration:
    • Typically economic migrants and economically active people.
    • Older people left behind.
    • Agricultural industries leaving due to a lack of people to run them.