Vietnam - Benefits from Globalisation

Cards (5)

  • Background Information:
    • Vietnam is an Asian country that has benefited from global systems, like the Asian Tigers.
    • Benefited from interdependence and global flows of capital, products etc.
  • Economic Changes - Foreign Investment:
    • First opened its economy to foreign firms in the 1980s.
    • Investment gathered pace after the US scrapped a war-era trade embargo in 1994.
  • Social Changes:
    • Since Ford opened its doors 20 years ago the area has changed from an agricultural backwater to an industrial zone.
    • There are numerous foreign-owned factors producing electronics, clothing and machinery.
    • Vegetable plots and fishing ponds have been replaced by a four-lane highway for trucks carrying goods for export.
  • Positive impacts:
    • Economic growth and attraction of linked industries lead to improved infrastructure and job opportunities.
  • Negative impacts:
    • Large foreign firms stand accused of flouting labour and environmental laws.
    • Taiwanese firm Formosa was blamed for killing millions of fish through toxic dumping.