information about a sharp point touching the skin and how it reaches the brain:
sharp point stimulates painreceptor in the skin
this sends a nerve impulse
via the sensory neurone
which goes through the spinal cord
which crosses the synapse
which goes to the relay neurones in the brain
the function of receptors is to:
detect changes in the environment
to convert this information
into impulses
in vertebrates the central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord only. In mammals the central nervous system is connected to the body by sensory and motor neurones.
sensory neurones carry information as electrical impulses from the receptors to the central nervous system.
motor neurones carry electrical impulses from the centralnervous system to the effectors
effectors consist of all your muscles and glands which respond to nervous impulses
receptors detect stimuli
effectors respond to nervous impulses to bring about a change
muscles and glands are known to be effectors but they respond differently: