Practicalapplication of acknowledgingbio and psychfactors has been the combo of drug treatment and psychologicaltherapies
Studies show that combiningtreatmentsenhances their effectiveness
Tarrier et al randomly allocated 315 pp to 1. medication + CBT 2. medication + counselling 3. control group (medication only)
pp in the twocombinationgroups showed lower symptoms than the medication-only group though there was nodifference in hospital readmission
Clear practical advantage to adopting interactionist approach in terms of treatment outcomes
Jarvis and Okami point out that saying that a successfultreatment for mentaldisorderjustifies a particularexplanation is the equivalent of saying that because alcohol reduces shyness, shyness is caused by lack of alcohol
This logical error is called the treatment-causation fallacy.
Therefore we cannot automatically assume that the success of combinedtherapies means interactionist explanations are correct.
OG diathesis-stress model oversimplicity
Clear that the OG model that portrayeddiathesis as a singleschizogene and stress as schizophrenogenicparenting is simplistic
Multiple genes in multiplecombinationsinfluencediathesis
Stress comes in many forms including but not limited to dysfunctionalparenting
Diathesis can be influenced by psych factors and stress can be bio + psych
Houston et al showed childhoodsexualabuseemerged as the majorinfluence on underlyingvulnerability and cannabis as a majortrigger
Multiple factor affects diathesis + stress supporting modern underst