eval points / examples P3

Cards (17)

  • eval of diagnosis: gender bias
    cotton said that women go underdiagnosed as they have closer relationships and get more support in comparison to men
  • eval of diagnosis: culture bias

    simon found that people of african american descent were 9 times more likely to be diagnosed
  • eval of diagnosis: co-morbidity
    buckley - 50% of schizophrenics were also diagnosed with depression
  • eval of diagnosis: low validity and reliability

    cheniaux - 68 patients diagnosed with ICD and 39 with DSM, shows low criterion validity
    cheniaux - inter-rater reliability was 50% for DSM and 55% for ICD
    negative implications for patient - wrong treatment given etc
  • dopamine hypothesis: PET scans
    lindostroem - injected patients with L-dopa (amino acid) and measured reuptake - found was higher and faster than control group - meaning that more dopamine in schizophrenics
  • dopamine hypothesis: PET scans
    kessler - found more D2 receptors
  • dopamine hypothesis: post mortems

    falkai - more dopamine in sz brains
  • eval of dopamine hypothesis: bio reductionist
    bradford - involvement of glutamate in the development of sz (anxiety regulation, low levels of glutamate) glutamate has an excitatory influence on D2 receptors
  • neural correlates
    torrey - 15% enlarged ventricles in sz patients, lighter brains than normal
  • eval neural correlates: support
    suddath - 12/15 pairs of MZ twins (1 with sz), noticeable difference in sz brains with enlarged ventricles
  • eval for drug therapy: effectiveness
    schooler - first gen and second gen are both effective - 20% reduction in symptoms
  • eval for drug therapy: non-adherence and relapse rates
    schooler - 55% relapse rate for first gen, 42% for second gen
  • psychdyn exp for offending: research support
    goreta - 10 offenders experienced feelings of unconscious guilt and needs for self punishment - evidence for harsh superego
  • mat dep and offending is only correlational
    lewis - 500 interviewed, no reliable link between two variables
  • behaviour mod: effectiveness
    hobbs and holt - 27 % increase in positive behaviours - however does depend on consistent staff
  • behav mod: individual differences
    rice - 50% of men in psych hospitals went on to reoffend - may not be effective for mental health related crimes
  • anger management: effectiveness

    howells - meta-analysis, found only moderate improvement in behaviour
    taylor and novaco - found 75% improvement rate