
    Cards (9)

    • DSM-5 categories of phobia
      • Specific phobia
      • Social anxiety (social phobia)
      • Agoraphobia
    • Phobias
      • Characterised by excessive fear and anxiety, triggered by an object, place or situation
      • The extent of the fear is out of proportion to any real danger presented by the phobic stimulus
    • The latest version of the DSM recognises the following categories of phobia and related anxiety disorder:
    • Specific phobia
      Phobia of an object, such as an animal or body part, or a situation such as flying or having an injection
    • Social anxiety (social phobia)
      Phobia of a social situation such as public speaking or using a public toilet
    • Agoraphobia
      Phobia of being outside or in a public place
    • Behavioural characteristics of phobias
      • Feeling high levels of anxiety and trying to escape
      • Panic, which may involve crying, screaming or running away
      • Avoidance of the phobic stimulus
      • Endurance, where the person chooses to remain in the presence of the phobic stimulus
    • Emotional characteristics of phobias
      • Anxiety, an unpleasant state of high arousal
      • Fear, the immediate and extremely unpleasant response when encountering or thinking about a phobic stimulus
      • Emotional response is unreasonable and disproportionate to any threat posed
    • Cognitive characteristics of phobias
      • Selective attention to the phobic stimulus
      • Irrational beliefs about phobic stimuli
      • Cognitive distortions, where perceptions are inaccurate and unrealistic
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