Gorbachev tells the leaders of the WP he is abandoning the Brezhnev Doctrine and that he expects them to bring in reforms like perestroika and glasnost
examples of other satellite states embracing this new thinking in 1988
workers hold strikes throughout poland as a protest against comm rule. EE begins witnessing 'people power'. Gorbachev accepts that Hungary can become a multi-party state w/ free elections!
how do these changes continue into 1989 for poland and hungary
hungary opens border w/ non-comm and capitalist austria- EGs on holiday in hungary can travel to west via austria. trade union Solidarity is legalised in poland and wins elections in a landslide victory- first non-comm gov in EE- USSR does nothing
resistance in East Germany against communist rule in 1989
huge demonstrations. 300,000 protest in Leipzig against comm rule. EGs start fleeing to hungary & czechoslovakia to get to WG through their increasingly open border w/ the west
Gorbachev tells Honecker that soviet troops will not put down the demonstrations in EG and that he should enact some reforms like those in the USSR. Honecker forced to resign by other EG comm leaders. end of comm rule in EG and separation from the west
formally dissolves July 1991- countries regain independence in their policies & economy and can have free elections. EE abandons communism- end of division between democratic west and comm east
1991. Gang of Eight (comm hardliners) blame Gorbachev for losing control over EE. Boris Yeltsin president of Soviet Republic of Russia rallies people of Moscow to oppose it but still damages Gorbachev's authority