practical applications part c

Cards (4)

  • restriction and taxation of adverts (how)

    the government could enforce that adverts can only be aired at specific times and be subjected to strict rules about what content can be used. for example during children programmes, ads advertising fast food could be limited so that children are not effected. ads for toys or clothing could have limits to avoid gender stereotyping. taxation of ads would ensure that companies adhere to the rules set by the government to avoid further financial penalties
  • restriction and taxation of adverts (why)
    this would reduce the impact of ads by reducing the exposure to harmful role models and influence such as the gender polarisation in Johnson and young's study
  • media literacy inventions(how)
    provide children with the knowledge to understand ads critically. give children practice in using critical knowledge develop in children a disbelieving attitude towards everywhere they watch on Tv as well as towards ads generally
  • media literacy inventions (why)
    by providing literacy skills. the child will be able to develop their cognitive critical thinking skills whilst being able to distinguish reality from adverts. its important that this is done regularly to reinforce the impact.
    buijzen found that this increased skepticism of ads which encouraged negative attitudes towards ads