Cards (4)

  • Kohlberg's theory is useful in that it provides an insight into the mechanics of the criminal mind, by suggesting offenders maybe more childlike and egocentric when it comes to making moral judgments than the law abiding majority.
  • Ashkar & Kenny (2007) found a sample of juvenile delinquents showed pre-conventional levels of morality when interviewed about their specific crime, but conventional levels when asked about crimes other than their own.
  • Ashcar and Kenny evaluation - developed using a dilemma scenario so has low predictive validity. Also the way a ppt responds on a questionnaire may differ to what they would do in reality, so is an example of environmental reductionism. It is based on data from boys only, gender bias
  • Gilligan developed a theory that proposed gender differences, arguing that women focus on how an act affects others and men consider fairness and justice. Given the varying rates of crime between men and women it may be that moral development in each gender is different and Kohlberg does not take this into account