Represents a basis of the whole PFRS reporting, as it sets overall requirements for the presentation of financial statements, guidelines for their structure and minimum requirements for their content
Purpose of the financial statements
To provide information about the financial position, financial performance and cash flows of an entity that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions
The complete set of financial statements compliant with PFRS
Statement of financial position as at the end of the period
Statement of comprehensive income for the period
Statement of changes in equity for the period
Statement of cash flows for the period
Notes containing a Summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information
If some accounting policy is applied retrospectively, or some retrospective restatements or reclassifications were made, then also a statement of financial position as at the beginning of the earliest comparative period shall be presented
General features of financial statements explained in PAS 1
Fair presentation and compliance with PFRS, going concern, accrual basis of accounting, materiality and aggregation, offsetting, frequency of reporting, comparative information and consistency of presentation
Requirements for identification and structure of financial statements
Financial statements shall contain the name of the reporting entity, the information whether the financial statements are of an individual or of a group, the date of the reporting entity and period covered, the presentation currency and the level of rounding
Statement of Financial Position
Presentation of classified statement of financial position where current assets or liabilities are separated from non-current assets or liabilities, further sub-classifications of the line items shall be disclosed either directly in the statement or in the notes, certain information related to the share capital, reserves and a few others shall be included
PAS 1 does NOT prescribe the precise format of the statement of financial position, several formats are acceptable if they fulfil all requirements
Statement of Comprehensive Income
Includes profit or loss for the period and other comprehensive income, profit or loss and total comprehensive income shall be presented in allocation attributable to non-controlling interests and attributable to owners of the parent, entity might choose to classify expenses by nature or by function
PAS 1 prohibits to report any transaction or item as extraordinary items
Statement of Changes in Equity
Must contain total comprehensive income for the period, effect of retrospective application or restatement, reconciliation between the carrying amount at the beginning and the end of the period for each component of equity including changes resulting from profit or loss, other comprehensive income, and transactions with owners
PAS 1 prescribes to present amount of dividends recognized as distributions and the related amount per share on the face of the statement of changes in equity or in the notes
Notes to the Financial Statements
Provide additional information not contained in the numbers, the basis of preparation of the financial statements and some additional information that might be relevant, including a statement of compliance with PFRS, summary of significant accounting policies applied, supporting information for the numbers presented in the financial statements and other disclosures