
Cards (2)

  • In Portia‘s monologue she reveals her thoughts on the nature of mercy and it’s significance in humanity. She states that ”the quality of mercy is not strained“ meaning that it isn’t forced.She mentioned that “it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven,” which explains that it should be extended to all regardless of their shortcomings. Portia also suggested that showing mercy doesn’t only benefit the recipient but the one who extends it, as it reflects positively on the character and it blesses them “It is twice blest”.
  • Portia also describes how mercy is divinely inspired “it is an attribute to God himself”,which means that mercy is a divine quality and has religious connections. Biblically mercy is portrayed as forgiving those who have wronged you so that you can be blessed by God. Overall Portia’s monologue emphasises the importance of mercy. It revealed to me that mercy is a component of humanity and humanity is a component of mercy