limiting TV advertising

Cards (6)

  • in Norway there is a total ban on any form of advertising to children under the age of 12 which is a position the campaign for commercial free childhood would like the UK to adapt arguing that there is no moral or ethical reason to target children.
  • The UK code of broadcast advertising bans advertising of a product intended to appeal to children during programmes made for children. However, the obesity health alliance points out that viewing habits have changed with later shows being considered family shows such as Britain’s got talent.
  • in the USA, there are very few legal limit on advertising to children are those created are the result of self regulation by the industry
  • Usefulness
    Economic and health benefits such as saving the NHS and obesity costs by reducing the risk of obesity and related diseases, as well as on an individual scale of helping children and families live longer and better
    Interventions to restrict advertising has been most closely linked with reducing and preventing childhood obesity, but could also be applied to other products such as smoking or alcohol
  • effectiveness
    Research has created a mathematical model to estimate the impact of advert restrictions. They concluded that between one and seven or one and three American children would not be obese, indicating the benefits of restrictions
  • Practicalities
    Ban all ads promoting unhealthy food before the watershed
    Limit the use of advertising techniques that are designed to appeal to children
    Stricter definition of foods that can be advertised