bullying is an adaption strategy through evolution to survive.It created more opportunities for reproduction,creates status and dominance to bully
Bullying is an adaptive behaviour
Bullying characteristics are attractive to the opposite sex
parental investment theory,the best strategy for a female to reproduce successfully is to attract a male who can provide her resources,protect her and her off-spring
Benefits for males
bullying demonstrates attractive characteristics to females:dominance,resources,strength and can ward off rivals
Archer and Benson,younger boys with a tough reputation are unlikely to experience aggression as others avoid contact
Benefits females
secures partners fidelity so they carry on to provide resources.Girls will use covert bullying to control their partners.
Connolly et al,found 10-11 year olds who bullied started dating at a younger age
Enhances successful reproduction
humans have an innate tendency to build social hierarchies,an adaptive behaviour as they increase survival chances
Bullying is used to require dominance and go to the top of the hierarchy.
Males will use overt bullying and girls will use covert.
However the aims are the same for both genders
Adaptive significance,its risky for females to engage in dangerous behaviour because it pulls away her mate and puts her off-spring at risk
Volk et al
bullying strategies used by girls should be less risky and obvious
Marsh et al
Less risky female bullying is beneficial,it gives them a higher status and strong position in hierarchy.She will have more social control over others,allowing her to gain and control access to boys