The theme of the story revolves around bravery, resilience, and the bonds of community. Despite facing a sudden storm during the regatta, the characters show courage and resourcefulness.
A small town
New Camelia steamer
Arrives from New Orleans every evening at five o'clock
A big event in Mandeville
People gather at the pier
1. To meet the boat
2. Get the latest news and mail
La Juanita
A beloved local girl
La Juanita plans to meet her sweetheart Mercer
At the pier
La Juanita
Pride of Mandeville
Known for her beauty and charm
Grandpere Colomes disapproves of La Juanita's relationship with Mercer
Especially because Mercer plans to enter a boat named "La Juanita" in the upcoming regatta
1. Storm approaches
2. Mandeville braces for the worst
La Juanita watches anxiously as the boats race
Hoping Mercer will be safe
Storm hits
1. Mercer shows bravery and skill
2. Leads the boats to safety in a nearby inlet
When the storm passes and all the boats return safely