Legislative Process

Cards (3)

    1. Green Paper [Green]
    2. White Paper [Winged]
    3. Draft Bill [Dragons]
    4. First Reading [Fly]
    5. Second Reading [Slowly]
    6. Committee Stage [Clockwise]
    7. Report Stage [Round]
    8. Third Reading [The]
    9. Other House [Old]
    10. Royal Assent [Ruin]
  • Advantages of the Legislative Process -
    1. Upholds the rule of law principle
    2. The process is intensely scrutinised
    3. Process is conducted by those who are democratically elected
    4. The process allows for consultation
  • Disadvantages of the Legislative Process -
    1. Acts of Parliament can be complex and lack clarity
    2. The process is time consuming
    3. Legislation is confusing for the public
    4. The law-making process is undemocratic