linear sequential unmasking

Cards (6)

  • this involves working in a linear fashion working from the evidence to the suspect rather than the other way around
  • the sequential unmasking approach ensures that the other case information is presented as late as possible and in relation to importance to the case
  • Dror believed it is important to impose limits on when examiners are permitted to alter their initial analysis of trace evidence. LSU prevents them from removing or deleting from their initial analysis
  • usefulness
    all evidence should be interpreted in the same way regardless of any suspect which is considered
    reasonable restrictions that reduce bias while providing examiner flexibility
  • effectiveness
    Dror demonstrates the effectiveness using cost benefit analysis
    the decision to provide the case info to the examiner must be based on the relative contribution it would make to the examiner work relative to the potential bias
  • practicality
    adding confident assessments will require more care in work during the analysis process, but could provide clear benefits, making sequential unmasking even better