Extinction means that a species that once existed has completely died out
CAUSES OF EXTINCTION: new disease, enivronmental change, new predator may evolve or be introduced to new area, new competitor may evolve or be introduced to new area, single catastrophic event that destorys habitat and natural changes in species over time
Classification is grouping organisms
Linnaeus classified organisms into the order: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
the largest group in classification are kingdoms and Linnaeus had 2 - animals and plants
the smallest group in classification are species, members of species are similar and can breed together to produce fertile offspring
the class group classes organisms into mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds and invertebrae
the 3 domains are divided into 6 kingdoms
speciation is where populations become so different that successfully interbreeding is no longer possible
new species can rise from existing species if a group becomes isolated from rest
geographical isolation could occur if an island seperates from mainland or if new river or mountain range or old crates seperates two areas
isolation is where 2 populations of species becomes seperated
genetic variation is that each population has wide range of alleles that control their characteristics
in speciation, after geographical isolation, natural selection will occur so both populations have diff characteristics that are beneficial to environment they are in
the three domains are called archaea, bacteria and eukaryota
archaea are primitive forms of bacteria including extremophiles and has 1 kingdom which is archaebacteria
the domain bacteria contains tru bacteria and cyanobacteria and has one kingdom which is eubacteria
the domain eukaryota, all have cells that contain nucleus and has 4 kingdoms which are protista, fungi, plants and animals
the inheritance of accquired characteristics stated that characteristics that develop during an organism's lifetime that can be passed on to the next generation
Lamarck's theory involved two main ideas: a characteristic that is used frequently by organism becomes better and passed onto offspring and characteristics not used gradually disappears
Darwin's theory of natural selection states that: individuals in species show wide range of variation, individuals with characteristics most suited to environment have higher chance of survival and reproduce
the biggest influences in survival of species are changes in environment
fossil evidence shows that there has been mass extinctions on global scale
IDEAS ABOUT DINOSAURS' EXTINCTION: collision of giant asteroid caused huge fires, earthquakes, landslides and tsunamis and dust masked sun causing darkness and lower temps so plants couldn't grow and sea ice melting and cooling sea temp about 9ºC