cognitive explanations: gender schema

Cards (9)

  • gender schema theory
    • Martin and Halverson
    • children understanding of gender changes with age
    • children develop their understanding of gender by actively structuring their own learning rather than passively observing and imitating role models
  • gender schema
    an organised set of beliefs and expectations related to gender that are derived from experience. Such schema guide a person's understanding of their own gender and stereotypically gender-appropriate in general
  • gender schema after gender identity
    • Martin and Halverson
    • once child has established gender identity around 2-3 they will begin to search environment for information that encourages development of gender schema
  • gender schema
    • schema = mental constructs that develop via experience and are used by our cognitive system to organise knowledge around particular topics
    • gender schema = generalised representation of everything we know in relation to gender and stereotypical gender appropriate behaviour in general
  • gender schema determine behaviour
    • expand to include a wide range of behaviours and personality traits
    • young children - schema are formed around stereotypes - boys play with trucks
    • these provide framework that directs experience as well as understanding of themselves
    • 6 years - fixed and stereotypical idea about what is appropriate
    • children disregard information that does not fit into existing schema
  • ingroup information better remembered
    • children have a better understanding of the schema that are appropriate to their own gender - ingroup
    • pay more attention to information relevant to their gender identity - not other gender - outgroup
    • 8 - develop elaborate schema for both genders
    • ingroup identity serves to bolster the child's level of self esteem
  • Ao3 - gender schema - strength
    P: key principles are supported by evidence
    E: Martin and Halverson - children under 6 more likely to remember photos of stereotypical gender-appropriate behaviour
    • when shown gender-inappropriate behaviour children tended to change gender of the person when recalling them
    L: provides support for gender schema theory which predicts that children under 6 would do this - contrast kohlberg
  • AO3 - gender schema - limitation
    P: gender identity develops earlier than Martin and Halverson suggested
    E: longitudinal study - 82 children - looked at the onset of gender identity
    • reports from mothers on their children language form 9-12 months
    • videotapes on children's play
    • 19 months - labelled themselves as boy or girl
    E: this is as soon as they can talk which suggests that children actually have a gender identity before this but cant communicate
    L: underestimated childrens ability to use gender labels about themselves
  • AO3 - gender schema - strength
    P: accounts for cultural difference in stereotypically gender-appropriate behaviour
    E: Cherry - gender schema influence what counts as culturally-appropriate behaviour
    • traditional cultures = women have nurturing role + men have career so children form schema consistent with these views
    • in societies with less rigid gender boundaries - fluid gender schema
    L: explains how gender schema are transmitted between members of society and how cultural differences come about