psychodynamic - gender development

Cards (12)

  • Oedipus complex
    Freud's explanation of how a boy resolves his love for his mother and feelings of rivalry towards his father by identifying with his father
  • Electra complex
    A term proposed by the neo-Freudian Carl Jung which refers to a process similar to the Oedipus complex. In girls, an attraction to and envy of their father is resolved through identification with their mother
  • Identification
    A desire to be associated with a particular person or group often because the person/group possesses certain desirable characteristics
  • Internalisation
    An individual adopts the attitudes and/or behaviour of another
  • Freud's psychoanalytic theory - Pre-phallic children
    • 5 biologically-driven psychosexual stages
    • OAPLG
    • phallic stage - gender development occurs between 3-6
    • prior to this children have no concept of gender identity - dont categorise themselves
    • phallic stage focus of pleasure for child switches to the genitals
    • experience Oedipus complex or electra complex
  • Freud's psychoanalytic theory - Oedipus complex
    • phallic stage - boys develop incestuous feelings towards their mother
    • harbour a jealous and murderous hatred for their father
    • boy recognises fathers power - fears he will be castrated
    • castration anxiety
    • to resolve conflict boy gives up love for his mother and identifies with father
  • Freud's psychoanalytic theory - Electra complex
    • phallic stage - girls experience penis envy
    • mother as competition for their father's love
    • double-resentment towards mother - blamed for having no penis and standing in the way of father
    • Jung - girls over time accept they won't have a penis and substitute penis envy with desire to have children - identify with mother
  • Freud's psychoanalytic theory - identification and internalisation
    • children of both sexes identity with the same-gender parent as a means of resolving their respective complexes
    • children take on board the gender identity of the same-gender parent - internalisation
    • boys and girls receive a second-hand gender identity all at once at the end of phallic stage
  • Freud's psychoanalytic theory - Little Hans
    • 5-year-old boy with a morbid fear of being bitten by a horse
    • stemmed form an incident when he had seen a horse collapse and die in the street
    • represented his fear of castration
    • Hans had transferred his fear of his father onto horses via the unconscious defence mechanism of displacement
  • AO3 - Oedipus complex - strength
    P: support for the role of the oedipus complex in gender development
    E: Rekers and Morey - rated gender identity of 49 boys 3-11 based on intervies with families and boys
    • gender disturbed children - 75% had no father living with them
    E: supports Freuds explanation that for boys normal gender development depends on being raised by at least one male parent
    L: As it suggests that being raised with no father may have a negative impact upon gender identity
  • AO3 - Freud's psychoanalytic theory - limitation
    P: inadequate account of women's development
    E: Freud admitted women were a mystery to him - notion of penis envy reflected the androcentric Victorian era - men held power
    E: Horney - a more powerful emotion than penis envy is men's experience of womb envy - women's ability to nurture and sustain life
    • penis envy was a result of cultural rather than biological factors
    L: challenges idea that women's gender development is founded on a desire to be like a man - androcentric bias
  • AO3 - Freud's psychoanalytic theory - Limitation
    P: lacks scientific credibility
    E: Many of his concepts are untestable (penis envy) - unconscious
    • other explanations of gender are based on objective, verifiable evidence derived from controlled lab studies
    E: Popper - Freuds theory is pseudoscientific - cannot be falsified
    L: questions the validity of Freud's theory - not based on sound scientific evidence