Concerns of Developmental Psychologists in Designing and Implementing Research Involving Very Young Children: The usual data gathering method of self-report will NOT work well for very young children, They often use observation when gathering data on very young children
Refers to the influence of the environment on personality, physical growth, intellectual growth, and social interactions, including parenting styles, physical surroundings, economic factors
Germinal Period (2 weeks, Zygote travels from fallopian tube to uterus, Placenta and umbilical cord develops, Cells are beginning to differentiate to become organs)
Embryonic Period (2-8 weeks, Zygote becomes an embryo, Embryo attached to the placenta, Critical period, Teratogens)
Fetal Period (From 8 weeks after conception until birth, Rapid growth, Structure of the organs are developing)
Maternal anxiety and depression during the prenatal stage predicts negative reactivity of infants to new stimuli, Prenatal anxiety predicts poor newborn health and delayed development
Sensorimotor Stage (0-2 y/o, Use of senses and motor abilities to explore, think, and learn about the world, Gain object permanence)
Preoperational Stage (2-7 y/o, Can mentally represent and refer to objects and events, Limitations: Egocentrism, Centration, Irreversibility, Lack of conservation)
Concrete Stage (7-12 y/o, Capable of centration, reversibility, Difficulty with abstract thinking)
Formal Operations (12-adulthood, Capacity for abstract thinking, Understand and think about things that are not concrete or that are not present, Problem solving, decision making, planning)
Those who are more learned or more skilled than the child (usually an adult or it can also be a peer) provide guidance until such time that the learner's skill increases so that help is not required anymore
Those who are more learned or more skilled than the child (usually an adult or it can also be a peer) provide guidance until such time that the learner's skill increases so that help is not required anymore