relearn + definitions

Cards (10)

  • what is accounting
    • a record keeping mechanism
    • aids in providing information throughout the life of a firm
    • aids decision making (financial + non-financial info)
    4 steps of accounting
    1. identifying ... transactions
    2. measuring ... in monetary terms
    3. recording ... into the accounting system
    4. communicating .... to users
  • management vs financial accounting
    • management used for internal DM
    • financial used for external DM
    A) present and future
    B) past
    C) management
    D) financial
  • users
    A) position of power
    B) without power
    C) managers
    D) needs
    E) other
    F) provide resources
  • the conceptual framework
    • Includes the general principles of financial reporting
    • Sets out concepts that preparers of financial statements follow.
    • Provides a basis for the development of Accounting Standards
    • it describes the objective of, and the concepts for, general purpose financial reporting
  • Assumptions, concepts and principles
    • Monetary principle: items to be shown in monetary terms
    • Accounting entity concept: firm and owner are separate
    • Accounting period concept: life of firm separated into periods
    • Going concern assumption: reports prepared on basis firm will continue to operate (unless intends to stop operating)
    • Historical cost principle: eg. inv to be recorded at cost price not selling price
    • Full disclosure principle: all relevant information capable of impacting DM is reported
  • QC's
    A) useful
    B) materiality
    C) decision-usefulness
    D) loses value
    E) enhancing
  • assets
    1. present economic resource
    2. result of past events (eg to receive cash)
    3. potential to produce economic benefits
  • liabilities
    • Present obligation
    • Transfer of an economic resource (eg cash settlement)
    • result of past events
  • equity
    • the residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities
  • recognition criteria
    • the item must also provide users with useful information
    1. relevant - probability of inflow/outflow is high
    2. faithfully represented - uncertainty estimating a value (want low)