
Cards (31)

  • conceptual framework (1)
    A) different decision
    B) primary
    C) decisions
    D) reporting
  • conceptual framework (2)
    A) public companes
    B) reporting
    C) not required
    D) accounting standards
  • Why is an Annual Report so detailed, lengthy and broad? Explain.
    A) qualitative
    B) quantitative
    C) maximise
    D) decisions
    E) main way
  • Explain how the four main financial statements link together.
    A) change in wealth
    B) profit/loss
    C) equity
    D) cash
    E) received and spent
  • recog criteria
    A) uncertain
    B) faithful representation
    C) relevance
    D) proability
    E) note disclosure
  • accounting equation
    A) revenue
    B) expenses
    C) equity
    D) dividends
    E) retained earnings
  • BDA
    A) remains collectible
  • how does cost of sales expense decrease equity?
    • it reduces the amount of gross profit made on the sale
  • why do we record inventory at the lower of cost or NRV
    • supports faithful rep - doesn't overstate the value of inventory
    • supports relevance - more relevant for users to see inventory valued at the true value rather than an amount that cannot be recoverable
  • periodic vs perpetual method
    • periodic: no continuous record of inventory transactions. Ledger is used at end of each period. Cannot determine losses/gains
    • perpetual: continuous record of inventory transactions. Ledger is used for each transaction. Can determine losses/gains
  • cost vs revaluation model
    A) not allowed
    B) impairment
    C) recoverable
    D) carrying
    E) materially
    F) fair
    G) equity
    H) expensed
    I) each
  • revaluation model eg(1)
    A) vehicle account
    B) accumulated depreciation account
    C) cash
    D) loss
  • liability vs provision vs contingent liability
    A) liability
    B) uncertain
    C) timing
    D) amount
    E) possible obligation
    F) does or does not
    G) probability
  • why doesn't equity need recognition criteria
    • it is just the difference between A and L
    • A and L have already passed recog criteria
  • conceptual framework and accounting standards
    A) general
    B) specific
    C) foundation
  • statement of changes in equity
    • shows changes in owners' wealth during period
    • links income stat. and balance sheet
    • "starting capital" , "add capital contributions", "add profit", "less drawings", "less net loss"
  • balance sheet
    • shows financial position through its assets and how those assets were financed
    • assets -> wealth of entity
    • liabilities -> level of debt
    • OE -> owners' share of the business
  • realised vs unrealised gains/losses
    • realised
  • explain whether firm A should record a provision for warranties
    A) timing or amount
    B) present obligation
    C) probably
    D) outflow
    E) settle
    F) reliable estimate
    G) past experience
  • how does sick leave satisfy the framework
    A) pay
    B) cash
    C) hours worked
    D) measurable
    E) probably
    F) estimate
  • relationship b/w IS, statement of comprehensive income and SOCIE
    A) equity
    B) excluding owners
    C) owners equity
  • example of item included in statement of comprehensive income
    • revaluation surplus adjustments
  • retained earnings account
    • it is an equity account
    • it is the after-tax profit / loss
    • the retained earnings can be retained, transferred to reserves or used for dividends
  • what is the cost flow assumption
    A) specific identification
    B) interchangable
  • what costs aren't included in inventory cost price
    • ongoing costs
    • eg: maintenance, insurance for months
  • liquidity
    • ability of a firm to meet short term debts as they fall due
    • also considers ability to convert assets into cash in the short term
    • cash is critical to business survival, as cash is always used to settle obligations
  • solvency
    • ability of a firm to pay back its long term debts
    • thus, the ability to survive in the long term
  • profitability
    • evaluates profit / operating success of a firm over a period
    • gives insight to management effectiveness
  • if a NCA is donated, will a loss on disposal be recorded?
    A) loss
    B) proceeds
  • why does COS expense exist
    • to determine gross profit when compared to selling price
    • represents the cost incurred in selling actual inventory
  • cost flow assumptions
    • when an entity has inventory, it must assign costs to the inventory
    • eg: specific identification, FIFO, weighted average