Seven things that make life on Earth possible: Goldilockszone, Water, Sun, SolarSystem, interstellarcloudofgasanddust, Earth'srotationandthemoon, ozonelayer
Goldilockszone - earth orbits here, where it receives enough energy to allow water to exist as a liquid on its surface
Water - one of the most essential prerequisites for life
Sun - a stable long lasting star
Massive stars - it burns hotter and usually don't live long enough for planets to develop life
Lessmassivestars - often unstable and are prone to blasting their planets with bursts of radiation
Solar system - this comfortably nestled in a safe harbor between major spiral arms, and its nearly circular orbit helps it avoid the galaxy's perilous inner regions.
Supernovae - collapsing stars
Theinterstellarcloudofgasanddust - it gave rise to Earth containing enough radioactive elements to power a churning core for billions of years
Theinterstellarcloudofgasanddust - this creates a magnetic field that protects the planet from dangers like solar flares.
Earth is tilted relative to the sun and wobbles as it spins
The tiny wobble of the Earth can shift the climate from hot ot very icy every 41,000 years and might vary more without the moon's stabilizing pull.
Ozone layer blocks harmful rays from the sun, protecting us from skin cancer
Ancient plant like organisms in the oceans added oxygen to the atmosphere and created a high-altitude layer of ozone that shielded every land species from lethal radiation.