things i don’t know econ

Cards (71)

  • specialization = production of a limited range of goods by an individual, business meaning trade is vital
  • divison of labour = adam smith
  • money as a measure of value = compare the value of 2 goods
  • free economy = resources allocated through the price mechanism
  • pro of free economy:
    • automatic system due to the invisable hand where production will stop if a good is no longer demanded
    • freedom of choice known as consumer soverinity
  • con of planned economy:
    • government doesn’t have all the informstion which could lead to an over supply of goods
  • mixed economy = where the free market and market economy allocate resources throughout a country
  • allocative efficiency = measured weather resources have been allocated to goods or services in an optimal manner in response to demand
  • effective demand = the willingness and ability to pay for a good
  • product market = a good or service the consumer derives utility from and wanted for consumer satisfaction
  • commodity market = raw materials or minerals used in the production of goods and services
  • labour market = buying and selling of labour time for the production of goods and services
  • other determinants of demand:
    • income
    • population
    • advertising
  • index number = a figure reflecting price or quantity compared with a base value
  • composite demand = when a good or service is demanded for more than one use so an increase in demand for 1 would decrease the supply of the other
  • negative externalities cause if market failure = as the price mechanism doesn’t take into account the true social cost or benefit of an economic activity
  • de merit good = too many scare resources are devoted to the production causing the market to fail
  • pro of minimum price
    • reduce consumption reducing negative externities
    • no cost to gov
    con of minimum price
    • reduce discretionary income ( income you choose to spend on things you want)
    • fall in profit if demand decrease
  • pro of maximum price
    • consumer surplus and welfare gain
    • increase efficiency as firms incentives to keep costs low
    con of maximum price
    • gov may misjudge level reducing firms profit
    • firms could increase prices of other products
  • cause of gov failure:
    • distortion of the price signals = if the loss to consumer and efficiency are greater than the gains of the producers then gov failure has occurred
  • volume of GDP = GDP adjusted for inflation, the size of the basket of goods
  • value of GDP = monetary value of GDP at prices of the day
    = volume x current price level
  • how gdp is calculated:
    expenditure method ( c+ i + g + (x-m))
    factor income method (income profits)
    valour of output method( value from each main sector )
  • causes of demand pull inflation
    • expansionary monetary policy (cut interest rate)
    • gov spending
    • business confidence
    • fiscal stimilus (cut tax)
  • cause of cost push inflation
    • higher wage demands
    • gov regulation
    • supply disruptions
    • depreciation of the currency
  • inflation of consumers - real value of debt falls, may bring foward spending
    inflation on gov - real value of debt falls and borrowing costs increase
  • current rate of unemployment in 2023 = 4.3%
  • ways to help unemployed
    • allowing. working people to save more into private mentions
    • extending free childcare
    • gov aid to those with disabilities or health conditions
  • structural unemployment = due to the changing structure of the economy causing a lack of skills and qualifications for jobs
  • cyclical unemployment = lack of demand in the economy usually when economy is low and less aggregate demand causing redundancies and cyclical unemployment
  • national debt = the total borrowing of a country
  • balance of payments = record of the transactions between one country and the rest of the world
  • current account = flow of transactions between one country and the rest of the world
  • current account surplus = value of exports is more than the value of imports so net inflow of money into the country
  • balance of payments = current account + capital and financial account + net errors and emissions
  • primary income
    • income on direct investments
    • taxes on income and wealth
    • compensation of employees
  • secondary income
    • remittances
    • foreign aid
    • payments to international institutions
  • capital and financial account = flows of assets, liabilities and investment between countries
  • net errors and omissions = difference between what we think happens and what actually does happen
  • trade balance = total value of goods and services exported minus those imported