Rarely seen in public after 1962 - withdrawal allowed him to sidestep blame for failures of Great Leap Forward and famine
Observed actions of CCP leaders including Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping with increasing disapproval
Ready to return to active politics and save revolution from being destroyed by 'revisionists'
Began preparations for steering revolution in China in new and extremely radical direction
Ensure revolution was continuous and that there was no slipping back into capitalist ideas and behaviors
Desire for permanent revolution
Determined that revolution should not fail; make sure old attitudes and behaviours do not undo changes introduced by CCP since 1949
Convinced this was what happened in Soviet Union under Khrushchev; prevent same thing happening in China
Believed strength of CCP came from years of struggle; from Long March; war against Japan and civil war
Believed it was necessary for young people to struggle to identify with revolution — Cultural Revolution would allow them to become 'true revolutionaries'
Opposed measures adopted in China after failure of Great Leap Forward
Deeply suspicious that Liu and Deng had encouraged private trade and ownership because they were capitalist sympathizers
Believed revisionists were to be found in all areas of art, education and culture — needed to be removed to save revolution
Believed communist China was being run by bureaucrats not interested in revolution but motivated by power and social and economic benefits
Feared they would grow into new class of mandarins
Feared he had opponents within CCP leadership who were seeking to remove him
Cultural Revolution offered ideal opportunity to destroy this opposition