Mineral Futures - Technological (Exploration) - Remote Sensing:
Remote Sensing - Any technique that collects information about the mineral deposit without actually being in contact with it. Usually aerial and satellite surveys,
Enables large areas to be surveyed to identify topography and geological features.
Mineral Futures - Technological (Exploration) - Magnetometry:
Used to identify magnetic rock content, such as irone ore.
Mineral Futures - Technological (Exploration) - Gravimetry:
The strength of gravity provides information on the density of rocks and distinguishes magmatic igneous deposits, which are usually denser than sedimentary and placer deposits.
Mineral Futures - Technological (Exploration) - Seismic Surveys:
Echoes of surface vibrations are used to provide information on the depth, angle and thickness of rock strata.
Increasingly used in underwater surveys.
Mineral Futures - Technological (Extraction & Exploitation) - Mechanisation:
Greater efficiency is found in many aspects of mining equipment.
Larger excavators can extract material more rapidly and cost-effectively.
Mineral Futures - Technological (Extraction & Exploitation) - Electronic Technologies:
The introduction of computer technology, remote-control interfaces, satellite communications and robotics has led to greater safety and productivity in mining, mineral processing, smelting and refining operations.
Technological developments have made it possible to mine ores of declining grades and more complex mineralogy without increasing costs.
Copper in leachate water from spoil heaps can be concentrated by evaporation and then separated by electrolysis.
Copper from low-grade copper sulphide spoil heaps can be extracted using bacteria.
Mineral Futures - Economic (Supply):
Mineral resources are abundant but reserves of exploitable material are limited.
High extraction costs or a lack of suitable technology can prevent 'possible' reserves from being exploited.
Prices for staple ores have been volatile but generally low, discouraging extensive exploitation in the near future (Iron, Copper & Nickel).
A greater proportion of recycled materials will enter the supply chain, compensating for falls in supply.
Mineral Futures - Economic (Demand) - Factors = ↑ Demand:
Growing populations
Aspirations for a better standard of living from growing affluence in emerging economies.
Mineral Futures - Economic (Demand) - Factors = ↓ Demand:
Increased and cheaper recycling means more reserves are left in the ground.
Substitution of metals with other materials.
Effects of global recession following COVID.
Mineral Futures - Environmental & Political:
Exploration and development of new mines puts pressure on the natural environment.
Environmental protection can only come from governmental controls, local or global.
EIAs may mitigate devastation from mineral exploitation but not all regions will impose these restrictions on operators.
Developing nations see economic gains from FDI to provide wealth, jobs and improve infrastructure, which may obscure concerns over the environmental impacts.
Energy Futures:
By 2050, non-carbon-emitting sources will comprise around 40% of the global energy mix.
Coal could remain important with increased use of clean carbon technologies such as CCS.
Oil is likely to decline as its requirement for transport decreases.
Average energy use per capita will decline in developed countries as individuals adopt more energy efficiency, but this will be offset by rising per capita elsewhere.
Energy Futures - Technological (Hydrogen) - Uses:
To produce and store surplus energy in fuel cells by electrolysis of water - Converting H20 into H2 and O releases energy.
Used as vehicle fuel, or for domestic/industrial heating.
Used as chemical energy to make hydrocarbons, which are then the same as fuel like oil and gas.
Energy Futures - Technological (Hydrogen) - Benefits:
High energy density fuel.
Technology already developed.
Energy Futures - Technological (Hydrogen) - Issues:
Electrolysis requires energy (Fossil Fuels) -> Emissions from the production negate the benefit but can be made cleaner by using renewables to produce the energy.
Needs to be stored safely.
Energy Futures - Economic :
Energy demand will grow slower in developed OECD countries but rise rapidly in emerging economies.
Energy trade flows towards Asian markets will continue to grow.
Issues concerning the trade of natural gas could be reduced by the increasing availability of LNG.
Unconventional oil production in non-OPEC countries will slow down in the mid to late 2020s.
Sub-Saharan Africa will only account for 4 percent of the growth in global energy demand.
Water Futures - Technological:
Advances in technology could potentially reduce demand increase supply.
e.g. Genetically Modified, desalination, saltwater greenhouses
Water Futures - Economic:
Global economic development is increasing demand, causing water quality issues and leading to supply and demand mismatches.
Increasing scarcity of water will raise prices.
May lead to more conservation strategies to reduce demand, such as water meters and greywater systems.
Or expensive engineering projects to increase supply, such as water transfer projects.
Possibly increased water trade.
Water Futures - Environmental:
Future strategies for water management will need to be sustainable and consider the environmental impacts and climate change.
May involve river basin management and more use of Environmental Impact Assessments for water-related projects.
Water Futures - Political:
Conflicts over water are likely to increase in the future, and will require global governance and cooperation.
UN Sustainable Development goals for sustainable water management and sanitation for all.