nov1923 - stresemann introduced a temporaryforeign currency, the rentenmark, after the reichstag voted to give the government fullpower to make decisions on currency
based upon a mortgage of all land and currency
each rentenmark exchanged for 1 trillion of the old marks
restored faith in Germany's financial system
intro of rentenmark - stabilises financial system
the german people now had faith in the German economy
1924 - stresemann was able to set up the reichsbank - a new independentbank, which handled the control of the newcurrency
1924 - the reichsmark was introduced to replace the rentenmark - this was a new currency that was trusted in both germany and overseas
this restored faith in germany's financialsystem and allowed the economy to grow
the dawes plan - economic recovery
USloans of 800million gold marks
reparation payments lowered for the next 5years
opened the way for foreign capital to come flooding into germany £25.5billion in loans
1923-29, industrial output doubled
used to boostindustry and buildfactories
the dawes plan - political impact
the french agreed to leave the ruhr as reparations would be paid
the allies would be given some control over the reichsbank and the railways in germany
opposition from nationalists in germany who argued that germany was accepting blame for WW1 by agreeing to continue to pay the reparations
also angered that foreignpowers were involved in german economicaffairs
the young plan - reparation payments
reparation bill was reduced to £2billion
payment over 59years - germany was to pay a third a year and the rest if they could afford it
allowed for furtherinvestment in industry
the young plan - political impact
anger from nationalists who resented still having to pay reparations - felt 59years was too long and would hinder germany's progress as a nation
Alfred Hugenburg organised a petition against the plan - 4 millionsignatures
referendum in dec1929 - only 14% voted against the plan
reorganise reparations - economic
dawes plan = USloans of 800million gold marks
reparation payments lowered for the next 5years
opened the way for foreign capital to flood into germany - £25.5billion in loans
used to boostindustry and buildfactories
1923-29 - industrial output doubled
young plan - reparations bill reduced to £2billion
payments over 59years - germany was to pay a third a year and the rest if the could afford it
allowed for further investments in industry
reorganise reparations - politcal
dawes plan = the frenchagreed to leave the ruhr as reparations would be paid
opposition from nationalists in germany who argued that germany was acceptingblame for WW1 by agreeing to continuing with reparationpayments
they were also angered that foreign powers were involved in German economic affairs
young plan - anger from nationalists who resented still having to pay reparations - felt 59years was too long and would limit germany's progress as a nation
germany joining LofN - relations improve
sept 1925, stresemann persuaded other greatpowers to allow germany to join LofN
germany was also allowed a place on the LofN council - significant because the council made important descions
partly a result of the locarno treaty and stresemann'sdiplomaticpolicies and attempts to improverelations with other greatpowers
germany joining LofN - political impact
moderatepolitical parties supported Stresemann'sdiplomaticpolicies and his attempts to improverelations with other greatpowers
it increases German's confidence in the WR - they could see that their country was finally being accepted into the 'internationalfamily'
however nationalists saw the LofN as a symbol of TofV and wanted germany to have nothing to do with it
locarno treaty - relations improve
germay accepted its westernboards and a demilitarised rhineland
germany agreed that alsace-lorraine would be french and in return the french agreed not to occupy the ruhr again
signedvoluntarily unlike TofV - seemed to end germanys bitterresentment towards her conquerors
stresemann said that it would make peace in europemorelikely
locarno treaty - allowed into LofN
sept 1925, stresemann persuaded other great powers to allow germany to join LofN
germany was also allowed a place on the LofN council - significant because the council made important descions
partly a result of the locarno treaty and stresemann's diplomatic policies and attempts to improve relations with other great powers
kellog-briand pact - relations improve
15countries met in paris to agree a gerneraltreatyforthereunificationofwar
it outlined that germany was among the mainpowers again
kellog-briand pact - political impact
WR was now respectedinternationally
gave the germanpublic more confidence in the moderatepoliticalparties that were running the country