Role of the amygdala 5

Cards (7)

  • Psychopathy
    A personality disorder involving severe disruption in moral behaviour accompanied by pronounced deficits in emotion.
  • Glenn (2009)
    Conducted fMRI scans on 17 participants with varying degrees of psychopathy. Found that participants with higher psychopathy scores showed reduced activity specifically in the amygdala during emotional moral decision making. Findings demonstrate that amygdala functioning is disrupted during moral decision making in psychopathy.
  • How does Glenn’s study explain criminal behaviour?
    Amygdala thought to respond to cues indicating distress in others. Reduced amygdala functioning in psychopathic individuals suggests reduced responsivity to the harm of others. May lead to crimes being committed with a lack of guilt / remorse.
  • How can Raine’s research explain criminal behaviour?
    Hemispheric asymmetry in amygdala functioning (reduced activity in the left & greater in the right). Differences produce unusual emotional responses such as lack of fear, empathy, remorse and guilt.
  • Strengths of role of the amygdala theory
    Increased objectivity
    Supporting evidence
  • Weaknesses of role of the amygdala theory
    Ignores role of nurture
    Correlation not causation
  • Applying methods of modifying to role of the amygdala 

    Electromagnetic brain stimulation (EBS)
    Recent research has involved using transcranial direct current stimulation on areas of the prefrontal cortex (strongly connected to the amygdala).
    Found to reduce measures of aggression in men and reduce risk taking behaviours.