Restorative Justice

Cards (9)

  • Carrabine (2014)
    Suggested that the failings of custodial sentencing (prison) has required a search for alternatives.
  • Restorative Justice
    System of dealing with criminal behaviour which focusses on the rehabilitation of offender through reconciliation with victims. Offenders see the impact of their crime & the process empowers victims by giving them a voice.
    Face to face meeting with statements from both sides.
    Offender may give financial restitution to the victim.
    Service in community reflects the nature of the crime.
  • Aims of restorative justice
    Rehabilitation of offenders - opportunity for victim to explain impact of crime allowing offender to understand effect of crime reducing chance of reoffending.
    Acceptance of responsibility from offender.
    Atonement for wrongdoing - offer money or guilt / atonement to victim.
  • RJ is effective
    UK restorative justice council (2015) - 85% satisfaction from victims who had face to face meetings with offenders.
    Sherman & Strang reviewed 20 studies of face to face RJ meetings in the US, UK & Australia. All showed reduced reoffending.
  • RJ is not effective
    ineffective if all stakeholders are not involved.
    Offender needs to admit to crime.
    Not suitable for all crimes, eg traumatic crimes - sexual / domestic violence.
  • RJ is ethical
    Can help victim process trauma
  • RJ is unethical
    Stressful to be reunited with offender
    Financial restitution won’t remove trauma
  • Positive social implications of RJ
    Offenders have opportunity to contribute to society & their community
    Financial benefits - prison is more costly & RJ prevents reoffending
  • Negative social implications of RJ
    Offenders may take advantage of process to avoid prison