Anger Management

Cards (10)

  • Anger management
    Type of CBT
    Reduce emotional response using CBT skills
    Focusses on offenders with violent behaviour
    Identify triggers of anger and learn to control them
    In the short term it reduces anger and aggression in prisoners
    In the long term it reduces the reoffending rate and promotes rehabilitation
  • Attribution bias
    Anger management is linked to the cognitive explanation of criminal behaviour
    Suggests that criminals have a tendency towards irrational ways of thinking - eg hostile attribution bias
  • Novaco (2011)
    3 key aims:
    Cognitive restructuring (having greater self awareness & control over cognitive triggers)
    Regulation of arousal (learning to control the physiological state)
    Behavioural strategies (including problem solving, strategic withdrawal & assertiveness)
  • Stress inoculation model
    Most anger management programmes are based on Novaco’s work. His model draws on stress inoculation training which is a form of CBT.
    Gives a form of coping before the problem arises.
    Tends to be carried out with a group of offenders inside prison or during probation periods.
  • 3 steps of anger management
    Cognitive preparation - conceptualisation
    Skills acquisition & rehearsal
  • Cognitive preparation- conceptualisation
    Offender learns about anger and analyses their own anger patterns, identifying situations that provoke them.
    Offenders thought patterns challenged.
    Offender considers the negative consequences of their anger on others.
  • Skill acquisition & rehearsal
    Offenders taught various skills to manage their anger. Including:
    Stop & think
    Cognitive flexibility
    Learning relaxation techniques
    Learning communication skills to deal with conflict constructively
  • Application
    Offenders apply skills to situations through role play.
    Roleplay multiple scenarios that previously made them angry to show how they can control their anger and change their response to situations.
    Therapist gives feedback.
    Later skills tried in real world settings.
  • Strengths of anger management
    Self report data supports its effectiveness.
    Gives tools to control anger leading to long term benefits.
    Anger linked to health problems such as high blood pressure, headaches. Reducing anger may reduce health problems.
    Voluntary -> ethical, more likely to take it seriously.
  • Weaknesses of anger management
    May encourage offenders to blame actions on anger rather than take full responsibility.
    Anger may be expressed in other ways such as verbal or emotional abuse.
    Self report data - may lie, use it as a break from prison routine.
    Wont reduce crimes not linked to anger.
    Placing people with violent tendencies in same room may lead to outbursts.