Cards (8)

  • Easy to implement and doesn't require specialist training therefore cost-effective 
  • Supporting research, prisoner's behaviour was most desirable when the full token economy was implemented
  • Found that prisoners who were in a token economy had reduced recidivism rates within the first two years of release in comparison to those not in a token economy
  • Three year check up on offenders found reoffending rates was no different so impact reduces over time when not consistent
  • Overall use of token economies is effective but prison guards would have to remain consistent and precise in their awarding system otherwise it won't lead to any benefits
  • Token economy systems are limited to the institution in which they are used, often they do not work outside of this, so lack ecological validity.
  • Offenders could easily play along with a token economy system in order to access the rewards but may not produce any change in their overall behaviour.
  • Moya & Achtenberg (1974) describe behaviour modification as manipulative and dehumanising.