Cards (8)

  • Rubbing aluminium with sandpaper
    To remove the oxide layer
  • A simple salt bridge can be prepared by dipping a piece of filter paper into potassium carbonate solution
  • Hydrochloric acid reacts with carbonate ions
    2H+ + CO32- --> H2O + CO2
  • Aluminium ions react with carbonate ions
    2Al3+ + 6CO32- --> Al(OH)3 + 6CO2
  • Measure the EMF of an electrochemical cell
    1. Clean a strip of copper metal and a strip of zinc metal with emery paper
    2. Place the copper in a 100cm3 beaker containing 50 cm3 1 mol dm-3 copper sulfate solution
    3. Place the zinc in a 100cm3 beaker containing 50 cm3 1 mol dm-3 zinc sulfate solution
    4. Join the two beakers with a strip of filter paper saturated with sodium chloride solution
    5. Connect the Cu(s)|Cu2+(aq) and Zn(s)|Zn2+(aq) half-cells by connecting the metals using crocodile clips and leads to the voltmeter and read off the voltage
  • Daniell cell
    Uses copper and zinc
  • Write the conventional representation of a Zn/Zn2+ and Cu2+/Cu cell
    1. Zn(s) | Zn2+(aq) || Cu2+(aq) | Cu(s)
    2. Eo = +1.10 V
    Electrons flow from Zn electrode (negative and oxidised) to Cu2+ (positive and reduced)
    RHS (reduced) - LHS (oxidised)
  • Salt bridge
    • Allow movement of ions between electrodes
    • Must not react with the electrolyte / ions in solution