Topic B3 - infection and response

Cards (93)

  • What are pathogens?
    Microorganisms that enter the body and cause disease
  • What type of diseases do pathogens cause?
    Communicable (infectious) diseases
  • Can both plants and animals be infected by pathogens?
    Yes, both can be infected by pathogens
  • How small are bacteria compared to body cells?
    About 1/100th the size of body cells
  • How do bacteria make you feel ill?
    By producing toxins that damage cells and tissues
  • What are viruses compared to bacteria?
    Viruses are not cells and are much smaller
  • How do viruses replicate inside the body?
    They use the cell's machinery to produce copies of themselves
  • What happens to the cell after a virus replicates inside it?
    The cell usually bursts, releasing new viruses
  • What are protists?
    Single-celled eukaryotes
  • How can some protists cause damage to organisms?
    By living on or inside other organisms as parasites
  • What are fungi made up of?
    Some are single-celled, others have a body made of hyphae
  • How do hyphae cause disease?
    They can grow and penetrate human skin and plant surfaces
  • How can spores spread disease?
    Spores can be spread to other plants and animals
  • What are the main ways pathogens can be spread?
    • Water: Contaminated drinking or bathing water
    • Air: Airborne droplets from coughs or sneezes
    • Direct contact: Touching contaminated surfaces
  • What is cholera?
    A bacterial infection spread by drinking contaminated water
  • How is the influenza virus spread?
    Through airborne droplets produced when coughing or sneezing
  • What is athlete's foot?
    A fungal infection that causes skin itching and flaking
  • How can the spread of disease be reduced?
    By being hygienic, destroying vectors, isolating infected individuals, and vaccination
  • What is Salmonella?
    A type of bacteria that causes food poisoning
  • What symptoms are caused by Salmonella infection?
    Fever, stomach cramps, vomiting, and diarrhoea
  • How can Salmonella be contracted?
    By eating contaminated food, such as undercooked chicken
  • How is gonorrhoea transmitted?
    By sexual contact, such as unprotected sex
  • What are the symptoms of gonorrhoea?
    Pain during urination and a thick discharge
  • Why is treating gonorrhoea with penicillin becoming trickier?
    Because strains of the bacteria have become resistant to it
  • How can the spread of gonorrhoea be prevented?
    By using barrier methods of contraception and treating infected individuals
  • What hygiene measures can prevent the spread of disease?
    • Washing hands thoroughly before food preparation
    • Washing hands after sneezing
    • Keeping surfaces clean
  • How can vectors be destroyed to prevent disease spread?
    • Using insecticides
    • Destroying their breeding habitats
  • What is the role of vaccination in disease prevention?
    • Vaccination prevents individuals from developing infections
    • Reduces the chance of passing diseases to others
  • What is measles?
    A viral disease spread by droplets from sneezes or coughs
  • What are the symptoms of measles?
    A red skin rash and fever
  • What can measles lead to if complications arise?
    Bronchopneumonia or inflammation of the brain
  • What is HIV?
    A virus spread by sexual contact or exchanging bodily fluids
  • What happens during the initial phase of HIV infection?
    It causes flu-like symptoms for a few weeks
  • How can HIV be controlled in the body?
    With antiviral drugs that stop the virus from replicating
  • What does HIV attack in the body?
    The immune cells
  • What is late-stage HIV infection also known as?
  • What is tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)?
    A virus that affects many species of plants
  • What effect does TMV have on plants?
    It causes a mosaic pattern on the leaves, affecting photosynthesis
  • What is rose black spot?
    A fungus that causes spots on rose plant leaves
  • How does rose black spot affect plant growth?
    It reduces photosynthesis, leading to poor growth