Athabsca - Example of major energy extraction

Cards (8)

  • Athabasca Tar Sands - Location:
    • Found in Alberta Canada.
    • Underlies 140,000km^2 of pristine Boreal forest.
  • Athabasca Tar Sands - Background Information:
    • Oil sands of Alberta are one of the largest proven reserves of oil in the world.
    • Estimated to contain 175 billion barrels of recoverable reserves of crude bitumen.
    • Getting crude oil from oil sands produces 12% more Greenhouse Gas emissions per barrel than from conventional sources.
  • Athabasca Tar Sands - Environmental Impacts:
    • Most current production is open pit mining, which is strip-mining layer by layer.
    • The boreal forest has to be cleared, destroying habitats for wolves, grizzly bears, lynx, ground-nesting birds and many plant species.
    • Leaves scars on the landscape.
    • Stores 11% of the world's carbon.
    • 4 tonnes of material have to be removed to produce each barrel.
    • Waste rock can be used for reclamation.
  • Athabasca Tar Sands - In situ extraction:
    • Steam is used to extract bitumen from deep underground and then it is pumped out.
    • Causes less land disturbance and can use recycled water.
    • It also leads to increased Greenhouse Gas emissions as natural gas is used to produce steam from the water.
  • Athabasca Tar Sands - Carbon Emissions & Climate Change:
    • The largest industrial contributor in North America to climate change.
    • Shown by the melting of the Athabasca Glacier.
    • Water is extracted from the Athabascan river for in situ extraction.
    • This causes increased Greenhouse Gas emissions leading to further melting-positive feedback.
    • Over-abstraction of water poses a threat to fish populations and the Peace Athabasca Delta, which is a world heritage site and the most important fowl nesting area in North America.
  • Athabasca Tar Sands - Tailings (Waste Liquid):
    • Six barrels of waste liquid are produced per barrel of bitumen.
    • Poisonous to aquatic life as it contains naphthenic acids and trace metals.
    • Stored in waste water reserve but evidence suggests that toxic chemicals are leaking into ground water and the Athabasca River.
  • Athabasca Tar Sands - Keystone XL pipeline:
    • Pipelines are needed to transport heavy oil to refineries in North America.
    • Oil sands are more corrosive than conventional oil.
    • 3 times more leaks from pipelines carrying bitumen than conventional oil between 2007 and 2010 in the Midwestern States.
    • The original keystone pipeline leaked more than 12 times by 2010.
    • In October 2019 more than 378000 gallons spilled in North Dakota.
    • 16000 proposed monitoring points to detect leaks.
  • Athabasca Tar Sands - Economy:
    • Want to increase domestic supply to reduce the need to import from OPEC, Russia and Asia to decrease prices for America.
    • Exports to China and Asia need to increase to raise GDP.
    • The proposal for pipeline to Kitimat port, found that oil prices wouldn't be lowered as majority would be exported.