Status of children

Cards (5)

  • Donzelot = children need to be protected and supervised
  • Child liberationists = believes society oppresses children
    • Gittens = age patriarchy, control over children sometimes leads to abuse and neglect
    • Hockey and James = childhood was a stage most children wished to escape and resist
  • Childhood has changed due to:
    • Education = extended period of dependency for children on parents for financial support
    • Children have easy access to adult media, parents become more protective
    • Relationships = economic asset > product of emotional attachment
    • Media saturation and capitalism = active consumers due to advertising promoting consumption of goods and pester power
  • Cawson et al = 16% of under 16 have experienced sexual abuse, 25% experienced physical violence
  • Children's act, 1989 = allows state to take children away from parents if judged incapable