Non-white groups are often othered and treated as a threat to society
Hall says representations of ethnic minorities are translated by the audience to form stereotypes
Van Dijk categorised representations into three categories: criminality, as a threat, and unimportant
Wayne et al found that the media overrepresents Black youth as criminals, with connections to gangs and rap music
Back noted that reporting on protests by ethnic minorities often spun them as riots and focused on violence rather than the reason for the protests - eg 2011 disturbances, BLM
Davies analysed the Daily Mail and found that 64% of photos of Black people were of criminals
Ameli et al found that there was a lot of discussion around Muslim women wearing the hijab, which was portrayed as a sign of oppression and ignored the choice that women had
Moore found that Islam was presented as dangerous, extremist, intolerant and a threat to British life
Davies also found the Daily Mail cared more about crime victims if they were white
There may be limited positions in the news for ethnic minorities
Shah said the media engages in tokenism, putting in ethnic minorities to pay lip service to diversity without yielding power
The murder of Stephen Lawrence received widespread coverage from newspapers on both ends of the political spectrum