
Cards (3)

  • 1 - place dividers between the desks in the office.
    How - make all desks a standard size (e.g. 1.2 metres wide, and 80 centimetres in depth) and then to put dividers in place to protect these spaces from being encroached upon
    Why - Middlemist found, that invasions of personal space caused the male participants that he studied uncomfortable physiological arousal, which is why dividers would be good as they ensure workers don’t get too close, thereby having a positive effect on their well-being. 
  • 2 - Allow employees to personalise their desks as it will lead to higher levels of worker satisfaction
    How - don't limit workers on what they can or can't customise their personal desks with and encourage and remind workers that they can decorate and personalise their desks with whatever they want
    Why - in Wells study on desk personalisation in relation to personalisation and job satisfaction proved that personalisation was significantly associated with satisfaction of the work environment which in turn linked to job satisfaction and well-being
  • 3 - allow male employees to have bigger desks than female workers
    How - if a standard desk size in an office is 12 meters wide and 80cm in depth then allow men to have the choice of a bigger desk ranging 2-3 meters wider and 10cm more depth
    Why - in Smiths study, he discovered that males tended to be more territorial than females and claimed a larger amount of space on the beach as their space