research methods

Cards (7)

  • confirmation bias is the tendency to seek out information that will support our existing belief which also rejects the opposite view
    • to deal with it use random sample
  • nonresponse bias is when those who are unwilling to take part are different from those who do take part in the research
    • to deal with it offer rewards for participation
  • Participant reactivity is when behaviour and reactions are impacted by the participants knowledge that they are part of the study
    • To deal with this use single-blind procedure
  • double blind procedure is where neither the participant or the experimenter knows what condition the participant is in
  • single blind procedure is where only the participant does not know what condition they are in, but the experimenter knows
  • Investigator effects occurs when researcher unconsciously influences the outcome of any research they are conducting
    • To deal with this use double-blind procedure as well as randomisation and counterbalancing
  • Demand characteristics is cues that might indicate the study aims to the participants
    • To deal with it use double-blind procedure