Behavioural explanations of phobias

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    • Two-process model of phobia development
      1. Classical conditioning - phobias are learned
      2. Operant conditioning - phobias are maintained
    • Little Albert study
      • Aimed to discover whether a feared response can be conditioned via classical conditioning and if it can, consider how long one fear response will last
      • Procedure: Before - neutral stimulus (rat), during - paired with loud noise (unconditioned stimulus), after - rat alone caused crying (conditioned response)
      • Findings: Fear response generalised to other similar stimuli and lasted at least a month
    • Operant conditioning
      When people avoid their phobic stimuli, they escape the anxiety/negative feelings they associate with it. This makes them want to continue avoiding their phobia, hence the maintenance of it.
    • Social learning theory
      Phobias can be developed by modelling the behaviour of others and observing the consequences of those actions (vicarious reinforcement)
    • Real world application
      The two-process model helps in exposure therapies like systematic desensitization by addressing avoidance behaviors to treat phobias.
    • cognitive aspects of phobias
      This explanation of phobias is reductionist because it only covers behavioural aspects, ignoring cognitive factors like distortions and irrational beliefs, making it incomplete.
    • phobias and traumatic experiences
      The Little Albert study shows phobias can form through classical conditioning. De Jongh et al. support this, finding 73% of those with traumatic dentist experiences feared the dentist, compared to 21% without.
    • counterpoint
      Not all phobias result from traumatic experiences. Many people fear snakes despite little contact with them, suggesting the behaviourist explanation is incomplete as it doesn't account for such cases.