This is a tax that Shi’a Muslims pay each year on any profit (excess money) they earn at a rate of 20%.
It goes towards supporting Islamic education and anyone who has descended from Muhammad who is in need.
Jihad (‘struggle’)
The word means ’struggle‘ or ‘striving’.
There are two types of jihad - lesser and greater jihad.
Greater Jihad
This is the struggle to obey Allah, follow his teachings and to become a better Muslim.
It’s the greater struggle because it’s individual and personal.
Lesser Jihad
This is the struggle to make the world a better place.
Part of this means struggling against poverty and injustice.
Part of it is to defend Islam against threats. This can be in peaceful ways such as healing others to be better Muslims.
The Qur’an and Islamic law says that actual fighting should be in selfdefence and not against people who aren’t fighting.
Amr-bil-maroof and Nahi Anil Munkar
These come as a pair and it asks Muslims to encourage good deeds and avoid bad ones.
Tawalla and Tabarra
These come as a pair and means that Muslims should love those who follow Allah and shouldn’t associate themselves with anyone who is an enemy of Muhammad or Allah.