Cards (11)

  • right side pumps deoxygenated blood to lungs
  • left side pumps oxygenated blood to rest of body
  • Cardiac Cycle
    1. Atrial Systole
    2. Ventricle Systole
    3. Diastole
  • Atrial Systole
    • Ventricles relax, atria contract
    • Decreases vol of chambers in atria which inc pressure
    • This inc in pressure forces AV valves open and pushes blood into ventricles
  • Ventricle Systole
    • Decreases vol and inc pressure in ventricles
    • Causes AV valve to close
    • In turn this forces SL Valve open and forces blood into arteries
  • Diastole
    • Both atria and ventricles relax so pressure is reduced in both chambers
    • Higher pressure in aorta closes SL valve
    • Blood returns to heart and atria fill again due to higher pressure in vena cava
    • Inc in pressure in atria due to blood causes AV valve to open again
  • cords= prevent valves opening the wrong way
  • why is there a short delay before avn wave?
    allow atria to fill before ventricles contract
  • valves= prevent back flow of blood]
    • L ventricle thicker & more muscular than right as needs to contract w/ more force to pump blood around whole body
    • Ventricles thicker walls than atria as have to push blood out of heart
    1. pulmonary vein
    2. L. atrium
    3. L. AV valve
    4. L. ventricle
    5. L. SV Valve
    6. Aorta