Cards (5)

  • limbic system
    made of the hypothalamus, amygdala and hippocampus
    linked to emotional behaviour and is activated when processing emotional responses
  • Gospic et al

    fMRI scans showed increased activity in amgydala when participants acted aggressively after being provoked
    taking benzodiazepine reduced overall aggression
  • orbitofrontal cortex and seretonin
    low levels of serotonin in orbitofrontal cortex linked with inability to self control when provoked
  • Denson et al
    those with normal levels of serotonin have better levels of self control
  • hormonal explanation
    testosterone - men become more aggressive as testosterone rises
    • Daly and wilson
    animals who have had castrated testes are less aggressive
    • Giammanco
    violent offenders have higher levels of testosteron
    • Ziomkiewicz