Chapter 3

Cards (8)

  • Fringe benefits - encompass a wide range of non-cash compensations and perks provided by employers to employees.
  • According to NIRC, fringe benefits are considered as part of an employee's taxable compensation income and are subject to income tax.
  • The value of fringe benefits is added to the employee's gross income and taxed at progressive rates, similar to regular salary or wages.
  • The value of fringe benefits provided to employees is generally based on their fair market value.
  • BIR Form 1604CF - employers are required to report fringe benefits provided to employees on their annual income tax returns
  • BIR Form 2316 - corresponding certificates to employees indicating the value of fringe benefits received
  • Self-employed individuals and professionals - are also subject to taxation on fringe benefits they receive in connection with their business or profession
  • BIR - they periodically issues ruling, regulations, and circulars that may affect the tax treatment of fringe benefits