Fringe benefits - encompass a wide range of non-cash compensations and perks provided by employers to employees.
According to NIRC, fringebenefits are considered as part of an employee's taxable compensation income and are subject to income tax.
The value of fringe benefits is added to the employee's grossincome and taxed at progressive rates, similar to regular salary or wages.
The value of fringe benefits provided to employees is generally based on their fairmarketvalue.
BIRForm1604CF - employers are required to report fringe benefits provided to employees on their annual income tax returns
BIRForm2316 - corresponding certificates to employees indicating the value of fringe benefits received
Self-employedindividualsandprofessionals - are also subject to taxation on fringe benefits they receive in connection with their business or profession
BIR - they periodically issues ruling, regulations, and circulars that may affect the tax treatment of fringe benefits