Nodes: The actors or subjects of study
Relations: The strands between actors. They are characterized by content, direction, and strength
Ties: Connect a pair of actors by one or more relations
Multiplexity: The more relations in a tie, the more multiplex the tie is
Composition: This is derived from the social attributes of both participants
Range: The size and heterogeneity of the social networks
Centrality: Measures who is central (powerful) or isolated in networks
Roles: Network roles are suggested by similarities in network members' behavior
Density: The number of actual ties in a network compared with the total amount of ties that the network can theoretically support
Reachability: To be reachable, connections that can be traced from the source to the required actor must exit
Distance: The number of actors that information has to pass through to connect one actor with another in the network
Cliques: Subsets of actors in a network, who are more closely tied to each other than to the other actor who is not part of the subset