Moral disengagement

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  • Bandura
    When we are young we learn our moral standards through socialisation,which guides our behaviour
  • Most of the time people follow these moral standards,if we dont our self-esteem would suffer
  • Moral disengagement is when the moral system breaks downs,we ignore or turn off our moral standard temporarily so we can do things without feeling guilty
  • When our moral system is turned off,we convince ourselves the rules dont apply to us
  • Its a gradual process,using strategies little by little and start to feel less bad the more you go against our morals
  • Bullies use cognitive restructuring to change they way they think,they downplay their behaviour and may see it as 'toughening others up'
  • Bullies will also use language such as 'I was just joking',to justify their behaviour,social justification
  • Bullies will also compare their behaviour to things much worse so their behaviour seems less harmful
  • Bullies minimise their role in bullying,usually blaming the school for allowing the bullying to happen
  • The ringleaders of a group will blame the shift away from them and onto their friends,on-one is fully responsible
  • Bullies will tell themselves someone else is more to blame than they are
  • Bullies will ignore/distort the consequences of their actions by distancing themselves from the harm by;ignoring it,downplaying it or misinterpreting it
  • Bullies will find it easier to ignore the consequences when the victim isnt around and take advantage when victims hide their suffering
  • Bullies also dehumanise or blame the victim,they believe the victim is less human or more deserving of bullying
  • Bullies may see the victim as less valuable and less important
  • Bullies believe bullying isnt bad if the victim is seen as less popular or different