proposes that individuals learn the values, attitudes, techniques and motives for offending behaviour through association and interaction with different people
scientific basis -
Sutherland - developed set of scientific principles that could explain all types of offending
the conditions which are said to cause crime should be present when crime is present, and they should be absent when crime is absent
theory was/is designed to discriminate between individuals who become offenders and those who do not - whatever social class or ethnic background
offending as a learned behaviour -
behaviour may be acquired in the same way as any other behaviour through the process of learning
occurs most often through interactions with significant others who the child values most and spends most time with (family and peer group)
differential association suggests that it should be possible to mathematically predict how likely it is that an individual will commit offences
need to know the frequency, intensity and duration of exposure to deviant and non-deviant norms and values
offending arises from 2 factors -
learning attitudes - when a persons socialised into a group they'll be exposed to values and attitudes towards the law - if number of pro-criminal attitudes the person comes to acquire outweighs the number of anti-crime attitudes they will go on to offend
learning techniques - as well as exposure to pro-crime attitudes the would-be offender may also learn particular techniques for committing offences - eg breaking into a house via a locked window
socialisation in prison -
whilst inside prison inmates will learn specific techniques of offending from other, more experienced offenders that they may put into practice upon their release
may be why so many convicts released from prison go on to offend
learning may occur through observational learning and imitation or direct tuition from offending peers