
Cards (3)

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    However, this is not entirely accurate. There is an overlap in differences as some women are stronger than some men, and some men are more nurturing than some women. Around 1 in 2,000 people are born intersex, meaning their gender doesn’t match the typical male or female. Some people have unusual sex chromosomes like XXY.
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    Some countries now recognise the diversity and allow people to choose their gender as male, female or other. This highlights the importance of not looking at gender as black and white. Psychology must begin to adapt this mindset and focus on making itself more equal for the whole spectrum of genders 
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    • To conclude, men and women have different bodies
    • Men are generally biggermuscliar and have faster
    • It’s argued that these differences developed because men hunted and needed the strength and speed for it
    • On the other hand, women tended to children, which makes them more nurturing  and focused on social needs