
Cards (33)

  • 133
    Tiberius Gracchus' land reform bill.
  • 123
    Gaius Gracchus' tribuneship.
  • 83
    - Sulla begins his proscriptions.
    - He orders around 1,500 nobles to be killed.
  • 82
    Sulla begins his dictatorship's reforms.
  • 80
    - Cicero defends Roscius.
  • 78
    - Lepidus passes the lex frumentaria.
  • 77
    - Lepidus marches on Rome and is defeated by Pompey.
    - Pompey is given imperium to defeat Sertorius.
  • 75
    - Cicero's Sicily quaestorship.
    - The ban on tribunes holding further office is revoked.
  • 73
    - Verres' Sicily governorship.
    - Crassus defeats Spartacus.
  • 70
    - Consulship of Pompey and Crassus.
    - The senate spends the year blocking the proposals of the two consuls.
    - Cicero prosecutes Verres.
  • 69
    - Cicero is aedile.
  • 67
    - lex Gabinia.
    - Cato is military tribune.
  • 66
    - lex Manilia.
  • 65
    - Caesar is aedile.
    - The optimates reject Crassus' proposal to annex Egypt.
  • 64
    - Cato is urban quaestor.
    - collegia are banned.
  • 63
    - Cicero is consul.
    - lex agraria.
    - pro Rabirio.
    - Catiline conspiracy.
    - SCU is passed to combat Catiline.
    - pro Murena.
    - Caesar is pontifex maximus.
  • 62
    - bona dea scandal.
    - Cato is tribune and quadruples the grain dole.
    - Nepos attempts to recall Pompey.
    - Cicero letter to Pompey.
    - Cato blocks Pompey's request to delay the consular elections for him.
  • 60
    - Formation of the first triumvirate.
    - Lucullus stalls the ratification of Pompey's Eastern settlements.
    - Cato filibusters Caesar's proposal to stand for the consulship in absentia.
  • 59
    - Caesar is consul.
    - lex Campania.
    - Cicero writes to Atticus.
    - Caesar is granted imperium.
  • 58
    - Clodius is tribune.
    - collegia are legalised.
    - Grain dole is made free.
    - Cicero is exiled.
    - Cato is sent to Cyprus.
  • 57
    - Cicero returns from exile.
  • 56
    - Pompey forms armed gangs.
    - pro Caelio.
    - Conference of Luca.
  • 55
    - Pompey and Crassus are consuls.
    - imperium is granted to them and Caesar.
  • 53
    - No consul is elected.
    - Martial law is declared.
    Cicero writes to Curio.
  • 52
    - Milo kills Clodius.
    - Pompey is appointed sole consul.
    - Pompey proposes a bill for Caesar to stand for the consulship in absentia.
  • 51
    - Cato loses the consular elections.
    - Cicero is governor in Cilicia.
    - Cicero is awarded a triumph.
  • 50
    - Cicero writes to Caelius.
    - Curio proposes that Caesar and Pompey have their imperium revoked.
    - Pompey assumes sole command of the Italian forces.
  • 49
    - Mark Antony is tribune.
    - SCU is passed.
    - Caesar crosses the Rubicon.
    - Cicero writes to Caesar and Atticus.
    - Cicero joins Pompey's side of the civil war.
  • 48
    - Pompey is defeated at the Battle of Pharsalus.
    - Caesar is appointed dictator.
  • 46
    - Caesar is appointed dictator for 10 years.
    - Cato kills himself.
  • 45
    - Cicero writes to Atticus about Caesar.
  • 44
    - Caesar is dictator in perpetuo.
    - Caesar is assassinated.
    - Cicero writes to Atticus.
    - Cicero delivers his first and second Philippics.
  • 43
    - Cicero writes to Trebonius.
    - Civil war begins.
    - Cicero writes to Plancus.
    - Octavian is appointed consul.
    - The second triumvirate is formed.
    - Cicero is killed.