Restoritive justice

Cards (13)

  • What did people historically believe about offending?
    If you offended then u committing a crime against the state
  • What did braithwaite say about crime?

    Crime hurts, justice should heal
  • What is restorative justice?
    Is a process of managed collaboration between offender and victim based on the related principles of healing and empowerment
  • What is the process?
    a supervised meeting between the 2 parties is organised, attended by a mediator in which the victim is given the opportunity to confront the offender and explain how the incident affects them
  • What does this help do?
    The offender is able to see the consequences of their actions including the emotional distress it caused
  • What are the key processes of the programme?
    -focus on acceptance of responsibility and positive change for people who harm others; less emphasis on punishment
    -not restricted to courtrooms; survivors and those responsible for the harm may voluntarily choose to meet face to face in a no courtroom setting, other community members may also have a role in processes
    -active rather than passive involvement of all parties in the process whenever possible
    -focus on positive outcomes for survivors and those who have engaged in wrongdoing
  • What variations are there?
    -offenders may make some financial restitution to the victim which may reflect the psychological damage done or the actual, physical damage done
    -offenders repairing damaged property themselves
    -can fucntion as an alternative to prison
    -as an "add on" to community service or as an incentive which may lead to the reduction of an existing sentence
  • What is the rjc?
    -restorative justice council
    -they establish clear standards for the use of restorative justice
    -support victims
    -get speaclist in the feild
    -advocate the use of restorative practice in preventing ans managing conflict in many areas including schools, children's service and workplace, hospitals and communities as well as prisons
  • E-Strength-flexible and diverse
    -flexible and diverse
    -programmes can be administered in loads of application (including schools and hospitals)
    -adapted and tailored to the needs of individuals situation
  • E-Limitation-depends on offender and used as an escape option

    -depends on offender and used as an escape option
    -people may use it as a easy way out to escape prison
  • E-Limitation-expensive
    -shapland concluded that every 1 pound spent on restorative justice would save the criminal justice system 8 pound through reduced reoffending
  • E-limitation-feminist critique
    -feminist critique
    -women aid organisations have called for a legislation ban on the use of restorative justice in domestic violence cases
  • What are the A03 points
    -feminist critique
    -depends on the offender and is used as an escape option
    -flexibility and diverse