guidance and feedback

Cards (5)

  • Verbal guidance (hearing something/instructions)
    • verbal guidance for elite performers can be longer and more complex
    • verbal guidance only works for beginners if its concise
    • provided by someone speaking to you eg, coach critique
    • often used alongside visual guidance
    • eg, feedback, peer feedback, questioning by a coach so thge performer can sekf evaluate
  • Visual guidance (being shown something)
    • when a performer can see the skill being performed in a demonstration or an image or video example
    • visual guidance is good for a beginner as they can see what they are expected to do
    • for elite performers, visual guidance is used less however when it is used, it is to review performance and highlight errors
    • for a beginner, it has to be quick, concise and easy to understand
  • Negative feedback
    • recieved after an unsuccessful performance where an athlete finds out what was incorrect about the performance
    • must include actions required to complete the skill correctly
  • Positive feedback
    • recieved when performance or the performer has been successful, strengthens the likelihood of the action being repeated
    • essential in motivating athletes
  • Manual/ mechanical guidance (assistance with movement)
    • mechanical guidance must promote the right technique
    • can invole physically moving the performer or using mechanical aids (floats in swimming)
    • for beginners it can make them feel supported, help the beginner complete the required movement for a skill and help them understand how the movement should feel